abnormal cardiac structure or function, which leads to signs (edema, rale) and symptoms (fatigue, dyspnea )
75% due to CAD and HTN in developed country
1. index events
2. compensatory mechanism
a. RAA system
b. adrenergic nerve system
c. increased myocardial contratility
basic mechanism
1. systolic dysfunction
2. diastolic dysfunction
3. LV remodeling
Clinical menifestation
1. fatigue and dyspnea
2. orthopnea and nocturnal cough
3. Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
4. Cheyne-Stoke respiration
5. Acute lung edema
6. Anorexia, nausea
7. Nocturia
Physical examination
1. reduced BP and pulse pressure
2. cool extremities
3. Jugular vein engorgement
4. rales and crackles (may be absent in chronic HF due to increased lymphatic drainage)
5. pleural effusion (drain to systemic and pulmonary vein, means bi-ventricular failure)
6. displaced the point of maximal impulse (PMI), usually displaced below the fifth intercostal space and/or lateral to the midclavicular line
7. S3, S4, MR and TR murmur in advaned cases
8. hepatomegaly, ascites
9. peripheral edema
1. Clinical symptoms/ signs
2. routine lab
3. ECG
4. CXR
5. cardiac echo/ MRI
6. cardiac enzyme
1. stage: A: high risk patients without structural abnormality or symptoms
B: structural abnormality without symptoms
C: structural heart disease with symptoms
D: refractory heart failure
2. factors may precipitate acute decompensation in chronic heart failure patient
a. dietary
b. discontinue treatment
c. MI
d. arrhythmia
e. infection
f. anemia
g. medication:
NSAID, CCB, Beta-blocker, Class I anti-arrhythmic drugs
h. alcohol
i. pregnancy
j. worsing hypertension
k: acute valvular disease
3. Diet
sodium: 2~3 g/ day
fluid restriction (< 2 L/ day) is not generally necessary
4. Diuretics
6. Beta-blocker
7. Aldactone
8. Hydralazine/ Ismo-20
9. Digoxin
Acute heart failure
Theraputic goal
1. stablize hymodynamic
2. treat reversible factors
3. reestablish an effective outpatient medical regimen
LV filling pressure: elevated: wet normal: dry
Cardiac output: decreased: cold normal: warm
Pharmacological management
1. Diuretics
2. Vasodilators
3. Inotropic agents
Mechanical management:
3. LV assist device
4. heart transplant